Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions that we are frequently asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a specific question that is not listed below please contact us.

Please read our Codes of Practice for other detailed information.

All Hands on Deck Maritime Training

P:  0412 201 767 E:


Thank you for your course inquiry regarding our Boat Licence, Marine Radio, Coastal Navigation, General Purpose Hand, Coxswain Exemption NC1, Coxswain NC2 and Coxswain NC3 courses with All Hands on Deck Maritime Training.

Please find below a list of frequently asked questions that we receive from inquirers who are seeking a boat licence or maritime career.


 1. How long have you been a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)?

Answer: All Hands on Deck Maritime Training have been an RTO with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) since 2002. We are also an ‘Approved Provider’ with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) and Transport NSW to deliver Boat Licence and commercial maritime training.

 2. What type of Maritime Training courses do you deliver?

 Answer: Our courses range from recreational type of courses such as the General Boat Licence and PWC (Jetski) Licence courses to commercial courses such as General Purpose Hand and Coxswain NC3, Coxswain NC2 and Coxswain NC1 as well as Marine Radio Licences and Coastal Navigation.

 3. Are the certificates you issue recognised nationally?

 Answer: Yes. All qualifications such as General Purpose Hand, Coxswain NC3 and NC2 and Coxswain NC1 are nationally recognised qualifications and allow candidates to work on commercial vessels anywhere around the country. Marine Radio is an internationally Recognised Certificate.

 4. How much study do I need to do?

Answer: We estimate that at the General Boat Licence level you can pick up most of the information in 4-5 hours.

 At the General Purpose Hand level it will take about 15 hours of self study. For Coxswain courses we estimate about 15 hours for NC3, about 30 hours for Cox NC2 with an additional 5 hours if Coastal navigation is required for Cox NC1.

 Marine Radio information can also be learned in 4-5 hours

 5. How long is the course?


 The General boat Licence course is approximately 4-5 hours of self study followed by 3 ½ hours of practical training.

 The General Purpose Hand course is approximately 15 hours of self study followed by 1 day practical training and assessment.

 The Coxswain NC3 is approximately 15 hours of self study followed by 1 day practical training.

 The Coxswain NC2 is approximately 30 hours of self study followed by 2 days practical training.

 The Coxswain NC1 is approximately 35 hours of self study followed by 2 days practical training.

 The major difference between NC2 and NC1 is that NC1 candidates need to have Coastal Navigation knowledge due to being able to operate a passenger carrying vessel up to 15 nm to sea

 6. How long do I have to complete the GPH or coxswain course?

 Answer: Ideally all course components should be completed within 6 months although we can allow an extension of up to 3 months upon request (total = 9 months)

 7. Where are you located?

 Answer: We are located in Newcastle however we receive a lot of Boat and PWC licence applicants from Sydney, the Central coast, Singleton and as far north as Coffs Harbour.

 Our location is also very handy as we have a lot of commercial course students who come to our courses from Queensland and Victoria as there are direct flights to Newcastle from Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Melbourne and it is just over an hour flight.

 We also have quite a few students who come from Tasmania, WA (Bunbury, Esperance, Geraldton, Coral Bay Port Hedland), SA (Adelaide, Whyalla, Port Lincoln and Kangaroo Island) and Darwin. We have a travel information file on our website specifically for interstate candidates with flights and accommodation information.

 8. Do the courses include the costs of the 1st Aid Certificate?

 Answer: A 1st Aid Certificate is NOT required for a General Boat Licence

 The cost of a 1st Aid Certificate is not included. It as a requirement for GPH and Coxswains’ to possess a current 1st Aid (HLTAID011). The average cost of a 1st Aid Certificate is approximately $150.00 and this needs to be renewed every 3 years.

 9. Do I have to pay more for the exam?

 Answer: There are no costs associated with undertaking GPH and Coxswain assessments. One free resit is provided however if any additional resits are required there are additional costs as the assessments are marked by an independent assessor.

There is a government fee of $89.00 for Marine Radio exam papers but we have included this in the total cost of the marine radio complete enrolment.

 10. Do I need a Task Book?

 Answer: Not everyone needs a Task Book. A Task Book is required only if you are going to claim a reduction in sea service hours. If you have sufficient sea service you can complete a Statutory Declaration. If you do want to use a Task Book to reduce sea service hours we can obtain one from the government on your behalf and the cost is $79.00. Details are on our website at

 11. What do the dates on your website mean?

 Answer: The dates on the website are for the final component of the course known as the ‘Practical Session’. Enrolment in the online component can be commenced at any time by going to our website and completing the enrolment section.

 12. What is the training schedule during the practical session?

 Answer: During the ‘Practical’ session candidates undertake Fire, Survival, Seamanship (Knots, Splicing), Anchoring, Vessel manoeuvring, Engine operation and Collison regs knowledge.

 13. What does a General Purpose Hand Certificate allow me to do?

 Answer: On receipt of your qualification from AMSA you can work as a crew member on a commercial vessel up to 100 metres in length, with engine capacity up to 3000 kW operating up to 200nm to sea, nationwide.

 14. Do I have to buy extra training manuals etc?

 Answer: All Training material and manuals are included in the course costs.

 15. How does the online study component work?

 Answer: The online component is a web based quiz activity based program that includes multiple choice, True and False and Essay type questions.

 16. What happens if I fail?

 Answer: We have a process in place to provide a resit assessment in the event that competency is not achieved on the 1st attempt.

 17. How much does it cost for a Boat Licence?

 Answer: An Adult General Boat Licence costs $295.00. The Boat Licence course is provided for FREE for General Purpose Hands and Coxswains NC1 and NC2 if they do not already have a Boat Licence.

 This Boat Licence course cost is reduced depending on the number of people who are enrolled. If 4 or more people are enrolled at the same time the cost is reduced to just $225.00 per person

 18. Can I continue to use the online study resources after I have completed the course?

 Answer: Yes. When enrolment is made in a course we provide a large quantity of resources that are accessed online. We allow unlimited access to these resources even after a course has been completed.

RTO # 90927

Copyright 2003 All Hands on Deck Maritime Training Version 4.0