Australian Edition (820+ programs purchased)
For hundreds of years there has been this mystique about coastal navigation. Yet in reality the process is quite simple.
In response to our successful online Marine Radio program, All Hands on Deck Maritime Training have devised a Coastal Navigation program for Australia. This Australian version uses chart AUS252.
The information below is for the Australian version. Our Coastal Navigation course has been created for use in both online and offline distance learning. This allows you the flexibility to learn and practice coastal navigation techniques, regardless of where you live around Australia and at your own pace.
The Coastal Navigation…it’s easy! program can teach you to navigate in just a few hours…
The course covers a wide range of coastal navigation topics which are designed to make you knowledgeable and confident even if you have never stepped on board a vessel. If you already have some boating background this program will build on your current knowledge and allow you to practice over and again so that you can keep your knowledge ‘current’. The Coastal Navigation course covers the following:
- Receive unlimited phone & email access to our Trainers
- Learn Coastal Navigation Terminology
- Learn to interpret nautical chart features
- Understand chart reliability
- Identify charts symbols, dangers, soundings, lights etc
- Use nautical charts for plotting courses, dead reckoning (DR), estimated (EP) and confirmed (fixes) positions
- Learn how to plot Transits, measure distances and find directions
- Understand and use Speed, Time and Distance calculations
- Understand and apply Variation and Deviation to courses and bearings
- Be introduced to Radar and GPS for use in navigation
- Conduct a simulated passage
- Understand and apply tidal and current information and much more
- Coordinates, Latitude, Longitude, Meridians, Lights, Finding and/or Plotting positions
- The Compass, Variation, Deviation, Compass Error, ‘Swing the Compass’ and Pelorus Compass
- Plotting positions and courses, converting true courses to compass courses
- Relative bearings, Transit bearings, The ‘Running Fix’, The ‘Four Point’ bearing, ‘Double the angle on the bow’, The Extreme Range fix
- Set and Drift, Tides, Tidal Streams, Find the Depth, Anchoring overnight
- The Estimated Position (EP), more Set and Drift, Plotting course to counter Set and Drift
- Buoyage, The ‘Cardinal’ system, Lateral Marks, Isolated Dangers, Special Marks, Safe Water Marks, IALA Buoyage
- The Sextant, How the Sextant works, Horizontal angles, Distance off by Elevation
- Conduct a simulated passage applying courses, taking bearings and applying set and drift. This brings it all together.
- Electronics in Navigation including – GPS, Radar, Radio etc
The coastal navigation program: includes chart, parallel rule, learning resources, exercises and final assessment leading to the issue of a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for just $495.00.
Course Inquires Click Here
This version is for those that wish or need to obtain a Statement of Statement for the Unit of Competency MARH2001A. All training material to be used in the coastal navigation course is supplied and includes:
- Coastal Navigation Training program (electronic access)
- Chart AUS252 (sent by mail)
- Parallel Rulers (sent by mail)
- Additional online exercises covering Understanding Nautical Charts, Tides, Set & Drift, Chart Symbols, Terminology and more
- Unlimited assistance (7 days a week) via phone or email
- Final assessment for the issue of a Statement of Attainment
For this option please click on the box below
Coastal Navigation

Marine Radio 100% Online Course

Boat Licence Enrollment