Submit a complaint

14 + 4 =

Phone: 0412 201 767


Training Location:
Dock A, Newcastle Marina
Hannell Street
Wickham, NSW 2293

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 300
Seaforth, NSW 2092

Complaint Process

How to make a complaint

Do you have a complaint? If you wish to submit a complaint regarding the training and service delivered by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training please follow the instructions below:


  • Complaints relating to training programs, assessments and administrative operations   

Students’ complaints may relate to –

Training and /or programs, (content or structure)

Delivery of a course or of a whole program

Methods of assessment

Administrative action/inaction, procedure or decisions  

  1. Students are encouraged to raise complaints informally in the first instance either by personal approach or through an advocate. Wherever possible issues or matters should be discussed with the person who has immediate responsibility. In most instances that will be the course teacher. You should include details of when and where the incident relating to the complaint occurred.
  2. If an effective solution cannot be found the matter may be referred informally to the Training Operations Manager.
  3. Formal complaints must be made in writing and addressed to the Training Operations Manager, All Hands on Deck Maritime Training P.O. 300 Seaforth 2092 NSW. Complaints may also be emailed to with the title heading COMPLAINT. If you wish you may also lodge a complaint with the Australian Quality Skills Authority or NSW Roads and Maritime Service
  4. On receiving a written complaint the Training Operations Manager should acknowledge its receipt in writing within three working days and provide the complainant with written reports (at least one per month) about progress towards resolving the complaint. The complainant can request information at any time by emailing the Training Operations Manager at 

  5. If the Teacher or Training Operations Manager accepts that a complaint has substance then they will either implement changes or recommend changes to the appropriate person or management committee to reform or redress the issue.
  6. When a complaint is found to have substance, the responsible person will consider whether other student’s interests have also been affected and take whatever steps practicable to ensure equitable treatment.
  7. If after three months the complainant is dissatisfied with progress or believes the Training Operations Manager cannot satisfactorily resolve the matter it may be referred to an independent arbitrator for mediation.

B. Complaints relating to individual staff members

  1.  The complainant and/or advocate should take all reasonable steps to resolve a complaint by discussion with the staff member concerned in the first instance.
  2.  If discussions with the staff member do not resolve the matter the complainant may refer the matter to the staff member’s immediate supervisor in an effort to reach a satisfactory outcome. The complaint should continue to be treated as an informal complaint.
  3.  If the matter is not resolved the complainant may lodge a formal written complaint with the staff member’s immediate supervisor. The formal written complaint must state the basis of the complaint and provide supporting information.
  4.  The supervisor will advise the respondent in writing within three working days that a formal complaint has been lodged and provide details of the complaint. The supervisor will make a file note of the matter. All parties may agree to and participate in independent arbitration (conducted by a person agreed between the parties) on a voluntary basis.
  5.  The supervisor should acknowledge receipt of formal complaints within five working days. If the supervisor believes it necessary to investigate a complaint, both the complainant and respondent should be informed and the matter dealt with expeditiously. The complainant should be informed in writing of the progress of the investigation, when the next written advice is to be given and so on, within 10 working days. Throughout the process an independent arbitrator (agreed between the parties) may continue to meet with the parties in an effort to reach a resolution.
  6.  The supervisor will counsel all persons involved in the investigation to ensure that the complainant is not a subject of victimisation. If a complainant fears victimisation, the supervisor may be requested to make arrangements to protect the complainant’s interests. These arrangements may include (where possible) alternative classes, moderating assessments, etc.
  7. At the conclusion of the investigation the supervisor should advise both the complainant and the respondent in writing of the outcome of the investigation within three working days.
  8. When a complaint is found to have substance, the supervisor will consider whether other student’s interests have also been affected and take whatever steps practicable to ensure equitable treatment.
  9. The complainant may withdraw the complaint by notifying the supervisor in writing. Within three working days of receiving the notice of withdrawal the supervisor will inform the respondent and all other persons involved
  10. If the complainant is dissatisfied with progress towards resolution or is dissatisfied with the outcome determined by the supervisor, the complainant may submit a request to the Operations Manager to review the matter. The Operations Manager may refer the matter to an outside organisation for resolution.

C. Dealing with complaint information

  1.  All complaints are dealt with the utmost sensitivity. Complainants with language, literacy, intellectual or physical disabilities should consider using an advocate in relation to their complaint.
  2. When informal complaints are resolved no permanent record of the matter will be kept. However, file notes should be maintained until the matter is resolved.
  3. If a formal complaint is substantiated, all records relating to the matter will be placed on the respondent’s personal file. A copy of the records will be provided to the respondent who is entitled to attach comment. No other records will be retained.
  4. If a complaint is not substantiated, all records relating to that complaint will be destroyed.