Coxswain NC1 Final Enrolment Pre Payment Page Discount Page

This form is to be used for the final enrolment pre payment discount for the Coxswain NC1 Training course.

This form is to finalise payment for the Practical Part 2 component of the Coxswain NC1 course. Please ensure that all pre study activites, Project and Challenge Test are completed 2 weeks prior to the practical course date. The final assessment is then completed  within the final 2 week time frame.

Please finalise the Coxswain NC1 enrolment process now by clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ button below and you will proceed to our secure payment site to commence and pay by Credit Card the final discount enrolment fee of $1235.00.  A discount of $255.00 has been applied to this payment if the payment is received within 24 hours of the initial enrolment.

If you wish to pay by direct deposit or EFT our banking details are:

Company Name – Blue Water Cruise Line Pty Ltd
Bank – Commonwealth
BSB – 062-826
Account # – 1005 6552