Codes of Practice

Welcome – To All Hands on Deck Maritime Training

Dear Student

Welcome and thank you for choosing All Hands on Deck to provide you with Maritime Training. The information contained in this guide is designed as a reference tool for you as a student of All Hands on Deck Maritime Training. All Hands on Deck Maritime Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) and accordingly there is a management system in place which reflects our core processes. Student input to improve our training outcomes is encouraged and welcomed. As a maritime training student I am sure you will value the efforts of our educators and I am also confident that your studies will give you the opportunity to enhance your professional development, potential and career prospects. I wish you every success in your maritime course studies at All Hands on Deck Maritime Training.

Kel Morrison Training Master/Operations Manager

Mission Statement

The aim of All Hands on Deck Maritime Training is to provide students with a high standard of ‘hands on’ maritime education, training and assessment in a tolerant and equitable learning environment.

Our programs conform to National Training Standards and meet the needs of students as well as the maritime industry. All Hands on Deck Maritime Training has an ongoing commitment to offer students support and encouragement in their maritime studies. Where appropriate we will provide professional support and counselling to assist with any learning difficulties, from improving study techniques to language or special needs.

College Profile

All Hands on Deck Maritime Training provides maritime training with courses designed to:

  • Provide a formal qualification
  • Provide a platform conducive to ongoing training
  • Create career pathways
  • Be a source of entry qualification to the maritime industry.

All Hands on Deck conduct training in the following areas:

  • General Purpose Hand (Deck Hand)
  • General Boat & PWC Licences
  • Coxswain Course Certificate
  • Marine Engine Driver Grade III
  • Survival at Sea Course
  • Marine Fire Fighting
  • Marine Radio Operators Licence

All Hands on Deck Maritime Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) #90927 and anApproved Provider with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).

Certificates issued by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training are recognised nationally.

Code of Ethics/Conduct

All staff at All Hands on Deck Maritime Training will:

  • Perform their duties efficiently and effectively with integrity
  • Strive to improve personal competence and quality of work.
  • Conduct one’s self in a manner that will promote co-operation and good relations with fellow students.
  • Avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • Maintain confidentiality of information received in the course of one’s duties.
  • Seek to employ more efficient, effective and economical methods of accomplishing tasks.
Access and Equity

All students will be recruited in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the curriculum or National Training Package. Our Access and Equity Policy ensures that student selection decisions comply with equal opportunity legislation.

All Hands on Deck provide training services that reflect a fair and reasonable opportunity for all students and staff, regardless of race, colour, religion, gender or physical disability or ethnic background.

A copy of the organisation ‘s Access and Equity Policy is available for free on request.

First Aid Certificate

A current 1st Aid Certificate is only required for General Purpose Hand (Deck Hand) and Coxswain courses. No 1st Aid Certificate is required to obtain a Boat and/or PWC Licence.

A current First Aid Certificate should be Apply First Aid HLTFAID011 or higher. All Hands on Deck Maritime Training do not include First Aid as part of the General Purpose Hand or Coxswain courses.

Prior to the General Purpose Hand Certificate being issued a copy of a current First Aid Certificate will need to presented to All Hands on Deck Maritime Training for filing and auditing purposes.

If you already hold a current First Aid Certificate that has more than 6 months to expiry please submit your certificate to your Instructor.

Competency Based Assessment Procedures

All assessments are undertaken on both merit and fairness.

Standards and levels of performance will be matched against the expected competency standards. Each method will assess the student in their understanding, performance, context application and the ability to transfer skills and competencies in a variety of situations. The task of achieving the competency by the student should be viewed as a positive process.

Students are assessed to determine the level or degree of competency in accordance with the requirements of relevant Maritime Training Packages.

The assessment grades in competency based training courses are:


The student has demonstrated competency in all relevant tasks.

Not Yet Competent (NYC):

The student has not yet demonstrated competency in all relevant tasks. A student who does not achieve competency in all assessment tasks may re-attempt the particular assessment task without having to re-enrol.

Where students do not meet the assessment criteria in the initial assessment they will be given another assessment opportunity. Additional assistance and support will be offered prior to re-assessment (this assistance will be focused in the area of deficiency only). Training is assessed in a variety of ways including questioning, completing task and practical activities as well as written examination. Each student must achieve a satisfactory grade in areas outlined for that particular course.
Privacy Policy

All Hands on Deck Maritime Training has a commitment to protect the privacy of staff and student information in accordance with legislative requirements. Information provided to All Hands on Deck Maritime Training may be used in course administration and disclosed to training staff.

To enable students to advance their maritime careers All Hands on Deck Maritime Training may contact students from time to time advising of available course opportunities. Any student who does not wish to receive course information may be removed from any list on request.

As an RTO All Hands on Deck Maritime Training is required to maintain accurate and complete records for a period of 30 years. Any personal information maintained by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training will be made available to individual staff members and students on written request.

To assist students in obtaining employment, we may, from time to time, provide student Names and telephone numbers to vessel owners/skippers who are seeking competent GPH crew. If you do not wish us to provide this information please advise our office for your name removal.

With the exception of the disclosure of names and telephone numbers mentioned above no additional information will be made available to any other party without the written consent of the individual student concerned.

Student Fees and Refund Policy

21.  Enrolment Information, Fees and Refund Policy

21.1 The following courses have a mix of completion of online assignments as well as face to face training and assessment (blended learning):

21.1.2  Coxswain NC1

21.1.3  Coxswain NC2

21.1.5  General Purpose Hand

21.1.6  Complete Marine Radio Licence course.

The fees associated with these courses require an initial online course fee payment and a final enrolment fee payment. A no refund policy applies to the initial course enrolment fee for the online initial training component.

21.2 The following courses have a mix of completion of online assignments as well as face to face training and assessment (blended learning):

21.2.1  Boat Licence

21.2.2  Coxswain NC3

21.2.3  Coastal Navigation (100% online)

21.2.4  Online Marine Radio Licence course. (100% online)

The fees associated with these courses require the full course fee payment at time of enrolment. A no refund policy applies to the full course payment.

The following courses can be commenced anytime and can be conducted fully online:                Coastal Navigation,                                                                                                                                    Coxswain NC3 (conditions apply)                                                                                                               Marine  Radio Online Complete Course,                                                                                                    Coxswain Exam Questions and                                                                                                                    AMSA Trial Assessment.

These courses require full payment at the time of enrolment whereby course material and resources are available immediately from an electronic download process and therefore a no refund policy applies to this full fee component.

21.3 When any course is commenced the student will be forwarded within 24 hours by electronic mail student manuals and access to online assignments as well as other relevant training and study information deemed appropriate from time to time.

21.4 From time to time All Hands on Deck Maritime Training may offer ‘special’ pricing on initial and final enrolment course fees for all courses.

21.5 These ‘specials’ may involve a reduction in course fees when the course fees are paid in full within 24 hours of the initial enrolment. The discount does not apply if the final fee is paid after the 24 hour period has expired. When an enrolment has been made by a student taking advantage of a ‘special’ a no refund policy applies. The purpose of this policy is that if the candidate selects a specific date to attend a ‘practical session’ then bookings are made with 3rd party organisations. (Fire training for example) Any change to the ‘practical session’ date will remove the discount applied however students may transfer to another course date to a limit of three (3) transfers without additional costs.

21.6 Students may work at their own pace and will be offered unlimited email and telephone contact with the Training Operations Manager to complete the required online electronic assignments.

21.7 When all electronic assignments have been completed the student may progress to the ‘practical’ training program.

21.8 If a student is paying any course fees by instalment the balance of the course payments must be made on the completion of the online assignments or at least 35 days prior to the course practical session commencing. At this time and the student will then be placed in the next available course. If at any time there is an excess number of students in  a ‘practical’ course component the student will be advised and placed on a waiting list.

21.9 All Hands on Deck will maintain a calendar on their website to advise prospective students of the number of vacancies in any upcoming course.

21.10 A student is entitled to three (3) complimentary transfers to another course date provided at least 21 days written notice is given of non-attendance.

21.11  If a student wishes to ‘lock in’ a practical course session due to personal or work commitments this can be done by paying the full course fee. The candidate is still required to complete the online assignments 2 weeks prior to attendance.

21.12 If a student cancels within 35 days prior to a course practical session commencing, other than Boat Licence and Marine Radio, they will be entitled to a 50% refund of the final full course fee, if already paid. Fees that are part of a ‘special’ offer fee are excluded.

21.13 If a student cancels within 28 days prior to a course practical session commencing no refund will apply.

21.14  If a student withdraws from a ‘Practical’ session within 28 days from the practical session date the student will not be confirmed in a future course but will be placed on a future course standby list when all pre study activities and assessments have been completed.

21.15 If a student withdraws from a ‘Practical’ session within 21 days from the practical session date an additional cost of $295.00 will be required due to rescheduling of the fire and survival components.

21.16 No refund will be made to any student who fails to attend a course or who cancels or withdraws after the commencement of any course.

21.17 If a practical course is cancelled due to any reason or reasons outside of the control of All Hands on Deck Maritime Training the candidate will be transferred to the next available course which has vacancies available. No additional costs will be required to be paid by the candidate. No refunds will be made by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training as the practical course is the final part of the process and the candidate, at this point in time, would have completed 90% of the course.

21.18 If a candidate elects to complete the practical session with another provider a refund of $295.00 will be made when the candidate provides a course certificate for the fire and survival components and video evidence of the boat handling component.

21.19 If the circumstances permit All Hands on Deck Maritime Training will endeavour to schedule an additional course outside of the regular calendar dates to overcome the issue that caused the original cancellation.

21.20 If a student cancels within 48 hours of the commencement of a Boat Licence course a no transfer policy applies unless a request in writing is made and a legitimate reason is provided. (Most courses fill up and if sufficient notice is provided then it may be possible to offer the positions to other people).

21.21 When a student completes the enrolment form and receives study material from All Hands on Deck Maritime Training that includes a practical course training component, (Boat Licence, GPH, Coxswain NC3, Coxswain NC2 and Coxswain NC1) then the student must complete all components of the course (online activities and practical activities) within 6 months from date of enrolment unless the student applies in writing, and is granted in writing by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training, a course extension.

21.22  If any request to extend a student’s course of study is granted the extension is limited to one extension only for a period of 3 months with the maximum period to complete the course being limited to 9 months from the time of enrolment.

21.23 All Hands on Deck Maritime Training will not refuse any reasonable request by a student to extend a course of study provided it does not exceed 9 months from the time of commencement of the course.

21.24 If a student requests to move to another date or to defer a course attendance as stated on the course initial enrolment form All Hands on Deck Maritime Training will make all endeavours to meet the student request.  All transfers will be made on the basis that if a course becomes FULL the student will be placed on a ‘standby’ list.  All transfers are also based on the requirement to have all components of the pre study completed.  All Hands on Deck will not be held responsible, and a no refund policy applies, to situations where a cancellation occurs due to insufficient student numbers, a course becomes FULL, or other situations out of the control of All Hands on Deck Maritime Training related to the transfer or deferment date.

21.25  If any student cancels or withdraws from any course due to legitimate reasons beyond their control they may, on written application, transfer to another course date at no additional charge.

21.26  Students under 16 years of age at the time a course commences are required to provide parental/guardian/carer approval to undertake a specific course. (See Consent Form)

21.27  Students must complete all studies within six months of enrolment. An extension of three months may be granted under special circumstances, so deemed by the training master. Any extension must be applied for prior to the six month time limit expiring and must be done so in writing or email.

    Student Welfare and Guidance

    All educators at the college are considered to have a duty of care to their students at all times whilst they are in their care. This means educators have a duty to protect their students from foreseeable dangers whatever their source. Usually this duty is to protect the student from injuring him/herself but it may also be to protect the student from dangers threatened by others.

    If an injury does occur the student has a responsibility to report the incident to the teacher as soon as possible who in turn will report the incident to the college Training Operations Manager.

    Guarantee of Service
    All Hands on Deck Maritime College guarantees to fulfil its commitment to students by providing them with the best possible resources. This will enable students to achieve their potential in obtaining the maritime qualification they are seeking.
    Attendance and Expectations

    Students are expected to be punctual and attend all classes. Absentees or late arrivals should inform the college by telephone. Students arriving late distract the rest of the class and the Trainer. The training courses should be treated with the same professionalism as a job in every respect. If a Student needs to be excused early from a class they should advise the Teacher well in advance and state the reason. An attendance book, noting arrival and departure times, will be maintained by the Trainer.

    Missing classes may impact on the student’s course result especially modules related to Survival at Sea and Fire Fighting where a deferral to a following course may result. Courses conducted by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training are considered ‘short courses’ and therefore a 100% attendance rate is required. If, for any reason, a student is not able to attend a particular training session it may be necessary to return on another course date.

    All training conducted by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training Maritime are classified as adult education. All college staff will expect students to behave in a mature fashion and in a manner conducive to learning in a relaxed atmosphere. If a Teacher considers a student is not behaving in a proper manner they will not be given any more than three warnings. If the student’s behaviour continues they may be asked to leave the class or the entire course if appropriate.

    No course fee refunds will be given.

    The student will have the opportunity to discuss any behavioural issues with the Training Operations Manager.

    Training Delivery Procedures

    All Hands on Deck Maritime Training provide Maritime Training. All training includes one or more of the following delivery methods:

    1. Face to face teaching. All Hands on Deck training and assessment will be conducted with a mix of on board attendance to commercial vessels and this will result in the vessel becoming the classroom for theory presentations as well as classroom presentations. Occasionally training and assessment may be conducted at alternate locations and students will be advised in advance.
    2. Hands on teaching. This will require the student to demonstrate a practical “hands on” involvement in the training and assessment process such as handling fire hoses, handling ropes or boarding survival craft.
    3. Flexible delivery of training and assessment. To assist students in learning in a flexible environment the commencement of each training course will be through online training and assessment. Students will receive unlimited contact with the Training Operations Manager to achieve competency with these assessments. Students are required to follow all instructions and requests for completing all online activities and assessments. Time limits exists for the completion and submission of online assignments and these should be strictly adhered to by all students.
    4. From time to time All Hands on Deck Maritime Training may allow students to attend the practical fire and survival components when the online activities have not been fully completed. This may occur to assist candidates who are seeking employment. In these circumstances all online activities must be completed within the time frame provided by All Hands on Deck Maritime Training.
    5. In the event that a candidate is not able to complete the required online or practical training they will be placed in the next course session where vacancies exist.
    Meals / Tea / Coffee
    All Hands on Deck will provide facilities equipped with Tea and Coffee making facilities as well as a microwave oven and refrigerator. Students may bring their own cup or use the foam ones provided. There are generally locations nearby to purchase meals during lunch breaks.
    Change of Address or Personal Details
    To avoid any administration problems students’ are requested to advise of any changes to their personal details such as address, names, contact details etc.
    Grievance, Complaints and Appeals

    All students have the right to seek redress if they have been treated unfairly or have grounds for complaint. Complaints will be handled very quickly.

    The complaint procedure to follow is:

    • Discuss the complaint directly to the Teacher in the first instance
    • Lodge a complaint in writing addressed to All Hands on Deck maritime Training, P.O. Box 1044 Newcastle, 2300 NSW  or email the Operations Manager at using the title heading COMPLAINT if the Teacher is unable to resolve the issue (formal resolution).  You should include details of when and when the incident relating to the complaint occurred.
    • If you wish you may also lodge a complaint with the Australian Quality Skills Authority or NSW Roads and Maritime Service

    If the Training Operations Manager cannot resolve the issue then mediation counselling will be sought for the parties involved using an independent arbitrator.

    The formal resolution procedure involving an Independent Arbitrator (IA) is as follows:

    1. Formal complaint lodged
    2. Complainant receives acknowledgement within 3 days. The complainant can request information at any time by emailing the Training Operations manager at
    3. Respondent advised of complaint
    4. All parties agree to independent arbitration
    5. IA nominated by complainant
    6. Respondent agrees to nominated IA
    7. If complainant does not wish to nominate an IA then NSW Maritime or another suitable independent organisation will be contacted regarding a suitable IA
    8. The independent arbitrator’s (IA) decision will be final

    Dealing with complaint information:

    1. All complaints are dealt with the utmost sensitivity. Complainants with language, literacy, intellectual, or physical disabilities should consider using an advocate in relation to their complaint.
    1. When informal complaints are resolved no permanent record of the matter will be kept. However, file notes should be maintained until the matter is resolved.
    1. If a formal complaint is substantiated, all records relating to the matter will be placed on the respondent’s personal file. A copy of the records will be provided to the respondent who is entitled to attach comment. No other records will be retained.
    1. If a complaint is not substantiated, all records relating to that complaint will be destroyed.


    Personal Counselling
    If you have any difficulty with any part of the course, or are having any personal, family or emotional difficulties please speak with the Teacher or Training Operations Manager. Every endeavour will be made to provide a professional counsellor who can assist with confidential and professional advice. We can provide a list of local contact persons on request who can assist students having difficulties.
    Language, Literacy and Numeracy
    Students who have difficulty with understanding course content and instructions, who cannot read or write well or if English is their second language may have access to suitable assistance. Please speak with the Training Operations Manager to organise appropriate assistance.
    Recognition of Prior Learning

    fees paid towards the’As a Registered Training Organisation All Hands on Deck recognise that some students may already be skilled in some aspects of the course syllabus and may be able to demonstrate competencies on the basis of prior experience in the workforce or previous learning. In order for RPL to be granted evidence of relevant, and current, competency achievement in all learning outcomes needs to be shown or demonstrated. This is achieved by candidates completing a ‘challenge’ test. The ‘challenge’ test is a closed book written examination equivalent to the applicable final course written examination.

    Please click on these links for the relevant form: Coxswain RPL Form and General Purpose Hand (Deckhand) RPL Form.

    The RPL application steps are:

    1. Complete an application for RPL form.
    2. Generate and collect evidence.
    3. Organise your evidence and complete your portfolio.
    4. Submit your portfolio to the Training Master/Operations Manager.
    5. Contact All Hands on Deck and pay the $200.00 Application Fee.
    6. Your application will be assessed and a decision made in 21 days.
    7. If accepted you will be required to complete a ‘Challenge Test’ which is equivalent to a course final written assessment.
    8. Pay the Challenge Test’ fee.

    In accordance with RTO requirements All Hands on Deck will recognise Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) certificates and Statements of Attainment issued by other RTO’s.

    PLEASE NOTE: There is an initial non refundable RPL Application Fee of $200.00 required to commence the process. Any fees paid towards the RPL applications will be deducted from the final course fee.

    The fees for RPL are not to exceed 80 percent of the total course fee, and are to include:

    1. Application Deposit – $200 (non-refundable); and
    2. Challenge Test Fee – $790.00
    3. Practical assessment and AMPA – Balance of fees determined

    Note: The fees associated with (1) and (2) above are equivalent to the initial enrolment fee.

    Health and Safety

    All Hands on Deck Maritime Training College has a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment for their employees, students and other persons providing a service to the organisation. All Hands on Deck is committed to complying with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, as amended. All staff and students are advised that health and safety in the workplace is both an individual and shared responsibility of employees, students and management.

    This responsibility extends to:

    • The identification and reporting of all potential hazards and/or risks.
    • Undertaking activities in a safe manner
    • Following instructions provided for safety
    • Not putting yourself, or anyone else, at risk
    • Reporting any illness/injury or ‘near miss’ incident

    If at any time you are unsure of your responsibilities in respect to W H & S then please seek advice from your Teacher or Management.